My directions said to cross a bridge north of the fort, but there seemed to be someone guarding it, and I didn't feel ready to take a life just to keep on a specific path.

I tried to find another way over the mountainous area, but that wasn't going well as I was continually attacked by Cliff Racers and other creatures. Cliff Racers are easily the most irritating part of the game early on. They hound you constantly wherever you go, aren't that easy to defeat at the beginning, and aren't even implemented well, looking really awkward these years later. And since we're not exactly gaining levels at a brisk pace, they'll be a pain for a while.

I decided to check my map and find my own way to Marandus, the first waypoint while looking for Punabi and Sulipund.

I killed a Nix-Hound and took its delicious meat before checking the road signs. I hope soon to find some equipment to begin mixing up some potions. My instructions mentioned to follow the road towards Molag Mar, and so I did.

The road was very slow going, as I didn't have many resources to keep myself in fighting shape, so I resorted to a lot of sneaking around. But I eventually found the lake.

Nearby was Marandus, and circling it I found some stairs that led to an entrance. But someone was guarding it, so I turned back for now.

What followed was more grueling exploration in vain. The path I wanted to follow was too infested with Cliff Racers to proceed, as I only had one healing potion left and they couldn't be easily bypassed stealthily. I followed the eastern path instead, and it didn't lead me where I wanted to go, especially not knowing exactly where Punabi and Sulipund were or even what to look for. I became frustrated (for real) and decided that for now my marks could just rot in this forsaken land if they wanted, because I didn't want to crawl around in it anymore.

I used the Divine Intervention scroll I was given, which transported me to Pelagiad.

Wanting another way to get some income, I sought about joining the Imperial Cult, who worship the Nine Divines, but they wanted a payment to join that was pretty much everything I had, and my goal was to make money, not lose it. Another group I knew that was looking for magically inclined members was House Telvanni (which Cthulhu suggested), so I walked to Vivec to see about joining.

I found their canton and ascended to the top. Inside I met a couple helpful people but mostly a bunch of racists, who view us Argonians as nothing more than slaves. Doing some research, I discovered that the house can only be joined at a city on an island somewhere, not that easy to get to. Annoyed by the lack of help from the guilds I was finding focused on magic, I began considering ones would make use of my other skills. What should I do? Join the Cult? The Telvanni? The Hlaalu, who are sneakier? The illegal Thieves Guild? Suck it up and finish that Mages Guild quest? Run away to Solstheim?
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