30 Last SeedI woke up and felt empowered, more alert.

I took a short walk back to the tomb and went inside. There were many undead foes inside, such as
Ancestor Ghosts and Skeletons. I had no reason to fear though, as my axe made short work of the abominations.

The tomb was fortunately easier to explore than those Dwemer ruins, and before too long I found a chamber with the skull I was looking for as well as a nice little dagger to sell.

I returned to Pelagiad and sold off some excess equipment to the trader. Then I set off for Balmora to get what I needed from Sharn.
I think my armor setup is a bit interesting. My legs, left arm, and right shoulder are still equipped with Dark Brotherhood gear, while my head, torso, left shoulder, and right arm are wearing Bonemold, the best medium armor I've found.
Shut up, I think it's kind of neat. Also, from now on the screen shots will be bigger because I increased the screen resolution. On the road to Balmora, I stopped at the fort again to tell Larrius that I had killed Fjol.
He thanked me and gave me a hundred drakes, although he still wanted the five Carmonna Tong dead. I went back to Sharn and gave her the skull. She gave me some notes about the Nerevarine, which I brought to Caius. He rewarded me with a promotion to Apprentice, and gave me a new task in Vivec. Members of the
Morag Tong, which is a guild of legally sanctioned assassins,
Tribunal Temple, the religion of Morrowind, and Thieves Guild had more information he required.
Is this supposed to happen? I first saw Netches at that farm but now I see them all over the place.
I took a Strider there and went to find
Huleeya, the Morag Tong in the foreign quarter. I tracked him down in a club, but he was being harassed by some Dark Elves for being Argonian. I used half of the money Caius gave me for expenses to get them to leave him alone, and then brought him to his friend
Jobasha's book shop. Once there, Huleeya gave me the info I needed. The next step was Addhiranirr, a Khajiit thief in the St. Olms canton. I asked around for a while until I found someone in the Waistworks who seemed to know more than he was telling me. After a few coins opened his mouth, he told me to look for her in the Underworks. This would be a lot cheaper if I was better at talking to people. I explored the sewers for a while until I found my target, but she was unwilling to give me what I needed until I took care of a
Census and Excise Agent that was looking for her.

Those were the guys who got me situated here, and the girl Lorbumol wants me to kill works for them. I found the Agent not far from my informant, and told him a lie that Addhiranirr had returned to the mainland. I returned to the thief, who told me about some smugglers who apparently had taken work from the Sixth House and was being strangely secretive about it. It was getting late, so I thanked her and returned to the Fighers Guild in the foreign quarter to get some sleep.
1 comment:
Seeing netches now isn't surprising. Loot and mobs in Oblivion (the ones that aren't named, such as generic monsters) spawn based on leveled lists. As your character gets stronger, you'll see stronger enemies. You'll usually still see the weaker ones too, so in effect the danger and variety grows.
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