Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Nerevar's Quest - Part 2

I left the lighthouse and decided to see what that trader had in stock.

I sold him the shoes I couldn't wear and bought a cuirass to protect myself a bit.

The road went in two directions. I've heard of Vivec, the largest city on the island, so I decided to go there. In any case, it's the same direction as Balmora.

Another fork, but I kept towards Vivec and Balmora.

I spotted a small creature and decided to sneak past it.

At first I succeeded, but it spotted me as I tried to read the signposts and I was forced to dispatch it with my knife and a simple fire spell.

This time, the fork led me away from Balmora. I'll go there some day, maybe.

On the road I met a man named Nels. He claimed to be dangerous, but seemed very interested in me. He asked kindly for a kiss, and I gave it to him not wanting trouble. I figure I should avoid trouble from guys who like to kiss giant lizards.

I kept walking, going past various creatures including a farm of large, floating, squid creatures. Very strange. I eventually came to Vivec. The city is constructed on several platforms sitting on the water, with the closest one being the Foreign Quarter. I decided to see what was at the top.

I walked up the tunnels that lead to higher levels.

I saw a nice view of some other platforms.

I went up some stairs and entered the plaza. I spotted a building for the local chapter of the Mages' Guild and decided to check it out.

I met a woman who thought I would fit in, and asked me if I wanted to join. I contemplated my decision. So what do you think, guys? Should I join the Mages' Guild?

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